Thursday, October 7, 2010

Frugal Find - A Piano

We were not able to fit my piano on the truck when we moved and I was determined to be a good sport about it. What could we do? We all made sacrifices

But after several weeks we realized that playing classical music as well as an enormous hymn collection is an important part of our family life. Now with a grandchild coming we want to instill the beauty of good and sacred music to him or her. Elizabeth is already talking about her child learning to play an instrument.

The point is we missed that piano badly. It turned out to be too much of a sacrifice and our regret at leaving it behind stung. But God is so faithful. We began looking around and found several good ones that were much less than the $1600 we paid for our piano. But they were still  near $1000. Gulp! They were worth it and in a couple cases much more, but were being liquidated because of a poor economic climate. But still it is a chunk of cash.

So we went on Craiglist. This piano was listed at a staggering $300. I was sure something had to be wrong. But my husband talked to the owner and had a good feeling about it. He wanted to rent a truck and take it to this man's home; he was ready to buy it and load it up. Trust your husband's instincts ladies! This piano is fantastic! It needs tuning but the sound and key action is better than my last piano. Much better.

I am very happy with my new piano. I made an appointment to have a lady come tune it but I've started playing again. My hands feel a little sore but I'm excited to have God's great music pour into our home once again. Praise the Lord!!

The picture on top of the piano is called "Recital" by Fredric Meizen. He lived in Victorian times and had a very musical family. The two young ladies are his sisters. He has several other paintings with his sisters and mother, who played the violin.

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